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Virtual Training


Rich has developed the ultimate training program.

Options  includes:


  • 1 on 1 or group training workouts 

  • A individualize meal plan and calorie tracking using My Fitness Pal App

  • Goals and progress tracking

  • Nutrition and wellness consulting

The Rich Parlo Training Systems 

My training program is designed to address each individual’s uniqueness, understanding that everyone is different.  We will work together to tailor a plan to your body mechanics, metabolism, lifestyle, goals and needs.  

Image by Greg Rosenke

Strength Training

The training system is designed based on a few movement assessments. We will assess posture to determine any imbalances. From there we will create a progressive program based on your under and overactive muscle groups and develop strength to your core and stabilization muscles to build a solid foundation and progress with injury prevention. 


Image by Samuel Girven


Cardio includes a  plan that focuses on each individual’s specific heart rate to determine optimal fat burning zones. From there we will design a program based on interval cardio training.

Image by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis


My nutrition program is created according to each individual’s lifestyle, time and specific metabolism. My program design provides a diet template arranged to timing in your daily routine to maintain proper balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.  This method is to ensure glucose is stabilized throughout the day and cravings are at a minimum.

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